If You want to know your specific price, please use our instant calculator. All tours include luch and dinner with a liquid, lodging with breakfast and airport transfers, if You require. If You want to design a more specific tour, different to all we have published, please, contact us.
Habana - Valle Ingenios - Ancón - Trinidad

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Trinidad. Visit to Valle de los Ingenios, Manaca Iznaga hacienda and belfry. Afternoon by the beach in the beautiful Ancon. Night at Trinidad Music House.
Day 4: Trinidad City tour with visits to Cantero Palace and its lookout point. Major Square. La Canchanchara where You will taste the historic and traditional beverage. In the afternoon, return to Havana. Free night.
Day 5: Free. Transfer to the airport and farewell.Habana - Cienfuegos - Parque Natural El Nicho

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Cienfuegos. City tour with visits to Tomas Terry Theatre, boulevard, artisans fair and Benny More Statue in the Prado Walk. Palacio de Valle and Punta Gorda area. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Departure to El Nicho Natural Park with lunch in the park restaurant. Trails and refreshing baths in a river with beautiful waterfalls. In the afternoon, return to Havana. Free night.
Day 5: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.Habana - Remedios - Cayo Santa María

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Remedios. Afternoon in a Cayo Santa Maria spectacular beach. Return to Remedios. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Remedios City tour with visits to the Major Parochial Church and the Parranda Museum. In the afternoon, return to Havana. Free night.
Day 5: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Viñales - Cienfuegos

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Viñales. Visits to Los Jazmines lookout point, tobacco farm, Mural of Prehistory, the Indian Cave and lunch in a local restaurant. Return to Havana. Free night.
Day 4: Departure to Cienfuegos. Creole lunch. City tour with visits to Tomas Terry Theatre, boulevard, artisans fair and Benny More Statue in the Prado Walk. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 5: Punta gorda panoramic walk to Palacio de Valle. In the afternoon, return to Havana.
Day 6: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Trinidad - Playa Ancón - Parque Natural El Cubano

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Trinidad. Afternoon by the beach in the beautiful Ancon. Night at Trinidad Music House.
Day 4: Departure to El Cubano Natural Park with lunch in the park restaurant. Trail and refreshing bath in a river with a beautiful waterfall. Return to Trinidad. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 5: Trinidad City tour with visits to Cantero Palace and its lookout point. Major Square. La Canchanchara where You will taste the historic and traditional beverage. In the afternoon, return to Havana.
Day 6: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Cienfuegos - Parque Natural El Nicho

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Cienfuegos. City tour with visits to Tomas Terry Theatre, boulevard, artisans fair and Benny More Statue in the Prado Walk. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Departure to El Nicho Natural Park with lunch in the park restaurant. Trails and refreshing baths in a river with beautiful waterfalls. Return to Cienfuegos. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 5: Punta gorda panoramic walk to Palacio de Valle. Creole lunch. In the afternoon, return to Havana.
Day 6: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Remedios - Cayo Santa María - Finca El Paraíso

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Remedios. Afternoon in a Cayo Santa Maria spectacular beach. Return to Remedios. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Departure to El Paraíso (The Paradise) Farm. Trails, horse riding, fruits and natural juices, river bath and creole cuban lunch. Return to Remedios. Free night.
Day 5: Remedios City tour with visits to the Major Parochial Church and the Parranda Museum. In the afternoon, return to Havana. Free night.
Day 6: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Remedios - Morón - La Redonda - Jardines del Rey - Santa Clara

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Remedios. In transit, city tour with visits to the Major Parochial Church and the Parranda Museum. Continue to Morón. In transit, visit to the Museum of the Sugar Industry. Arrival to Morón. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Panoramic walk around Morón with stop at the city symbol sculpture: El Gallo de Morón (Moron's Cork). Departure to La Redonda Lake for a 45 minutes motor-boat tour through a Cuban mangrove ecosystem to enjoy flora and fauna of the beautiful place. Lunch in transit in a paladar-restaurant. Continue to Jardines del Rey to enjoy at Cayo Guillermo's spectacular Pilar beach. Return to Morón. Free night.
Day 5: Departure to Santa Clara. Visit, in transit, to the Che Guevara Monumental Complex and Memorial. Lunch in a restaurant. Continue to Havana. Free night.
Day 6: Free time. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Sta Clara - Remedios - Cayo Santa María - Finca Paraíso

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Santa Clara. Visit to the Che Guevara Monumental Complex and Memorial. Tour of the city center. Vidal Park. Boulevard. Visit to the Shielded Train Museum. Continue to Remedios. Panoramic walk. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 4: Departure to Cayo Santa María to enjoy a day in the spectacular beach. Return to Remedios. Free night.
Day 5: Departure to El Paraíso (The Paradise) Farm. Trails, horse riding, fruits and natural juices, river bath and creole cuban lunch. Return to Remedios. Free night.
Day 6: Remedios City tour with visits to the Major Parochial Church and the Parranda Museum. In the afternoon, return to Havana. Free night.
Day 7: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 8: Free. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Viñales - Cienfuegos - Parque Natural El Nicho - Guamá

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Viñales. Visits to Los Jazmines lookout point, tobacco farm, Mural of Prehistory, the Indian Cave and lunch at a local restaurant. Return to Havana. Free night.
Day 4: Departure to Cienfuegos. City tour with visits to Tomas Terry Theatre, boulevard, artisans fair and Benny More Statue in the Prado Walk. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 5: Departure to El Nicho Natural Park with lunch in the park restaurant. Trail and refreshing bath in a river with a beautiful waterfall. Return to Cienfuegos.
Day 6: Visit to Palacio de Valle. Departure to Guamá for a visit to the Tainos aborigine village and the crocodile farm. Lunch at a local restaurant. Continue to Havana. Free night.
Day 7: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 8: Free. Transfer to the airport and farewell.
Habana - Valle de los Ingenios - Playa Ancón - Trinidad - Parque Natural El Cubano - Cienfuegos

Activity Brief:
(Request detailed program)Day 1: Greeting at the airport. Transfer to the lodging place. Free afternoon and night.
Day 2: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 3: Departure to Trinidad. Visit to Valle de los Ingenios, Manaca Iznaga hacienda and belfry. Arrival to Trinidad. Night in the House of Music.
Day 4: Trinidad City tour with visits to Cantero Palace and its lookout point. Major Square. La Canchanchara where You will taste the historic and traditional beverage. Afternoon and sunset in Ancon beautiful beach. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 5: Departure to El Cubano Natural Park with lunch in the park restaurant. Trail and refreshing bath in a river with a beautiful waterfall. Continue to Cienfuegos. Night activity according to local programming.
Day 6: Cienfuegos city tour with visits to Tomas Terry Theatre, boulevard, artisans fair and Benny More Statue in the Prado Walk. Creole lunch and after, visit to Palacio de Valle. Return to Havana. Free night.
Day 7: Free in Havana.
You can request optional activities for this day, like: Havana City Tour, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, night centers, etc. This activities are not included in the price of the tour and must be paid separately.
Day 8: Free. Transfer to the airport and farewell.